Finding an institution that is willing to deal with your business when it is categorized as a high-risk business is hard. institutions such as banks tend to go for businesses with the predictive nature where they can analyze risks and predict the outcome which is not the case for the high-risk businesses. Dozypay considers the high-risk businesses and help by providing them with high risk merchant accounts that come with multiple services to secure their transactions and business progress. The benefits of having a high-risk merchant accounts are significant showing that having a high-risk merchant account for your high-risk business is essential for your business. Although there is the unpredictive nature of high-risk businesses, the high-risk businesses are able to purchase high risk merchant accounts at competitive rates at Dozypay, a company with six years market experience and enjoy the following benefits in the course of their contract.
The ability to expand worldwide.
With the installation of high-risk merchant accounts for high risk businesses, the business is able to expand and provide their businesses with new market targets that might be outside their operation zones. The no volume cap facilitates this since there is no worries of limited number of transactions that a company needs to have. High risk businesses have a wide variety of market options to choose from including both legal and illegal businesses depending on the country.
No volume caps
There are no volume caps as to what amount or how many transactions a company has. The money transfers are limitless enabling the company to handle any amount of transaction and any amount of transaction. This is good when you compare with having maybe a total of 2000 transactions to be made per month or an amount cap of $20000 in a month. That seems to me like a transaction restriction.
Minimized chargeback issues
There are minimized chargeback issues as the liability shifts to the service provider and the 3D security measures that are put in place makes sure that transactions are done in the right way with the right parties. The chargeback issues are a problem because they affect the cash flow since the company will have to invest more in the rolling over account to counter the chargeback and friendly fraud issues that might occur in case of anything.
More earnings.
With high risk merchant accounts, there is the ability to have more earnings to the business since there is a high cash flow rate and therefore there is less money retained in the rolling reserve account.
Lower charged fees
There are lower charged fees in the transactions involved since the customer transacts in their own transaction rates that are set up with their credit card providers.
Faster and secure payment processing.
There is faster credit card and debit card payment processing. The 3D secure project facilitates fast and secure transactions. The 3D security is able to verify the card holders’ credentials faster compared to traditional methods of payment verification